ADHD treatment for adults, teens and children often is medication. Medication makes it much easier to do what needs to be done, with less effort. However, the best ADHD treatment outcomes have been observed combining medication treatment with psychotherapy. In psychotherapy, clients learn about ADHD as a neurological condition, which helps to get rid of the unproductive blame and guilt that the person has accumulated over the years of struggle. A therapist works with the client to understand how ADHD has impacted the person’s life, and helps the person let go of unproductive feelings. In therapy, ADHD clients learn about strategies and skills that tend to be helpful- like time management, organization, prioritizing, etc. Identification of talents and strengths is one of the most important parts of the treatment. A full testing is often very helpful not just to confirm a diagnosis, but also to highlight the areas of strengths we can build on, and weaknesses that we have to work on. I collaborate with several neuropsychologists and psychologists to refer you for a full or partial testing for ADHD in Montreal.